Loading BIDS data


Loading a BIDS folder is very simple.

Imagine we have a BIDS folder with the following structure:

└ PROJ01
└ sub-01
    └ ses-01
    └ meg
        └ <raw files and metadata such as sidecar, channels.tsv etc.>
    └ sub-01_ses-01_scans.tsv
    └ ses-02
    └ meg
        └ <raw files and metadata such as sidecar, channels.tsv etc.>
    └ sub-01_ses-02_scans.tsv
└ sub-02
    └ ses-01
    └ meg
        └ <raw files and metadata such as sidecar, channels.tsv etc.>
    └ sub-02_ses-01_scans.tsv
└ dataset_description.json
└ participants.tsv
└ README.txt

We can load this by passing the folder path location to the BIDSTree object:

>>> from BIDSHandler import BIDSTree
>>> folder = BIDSTree('BIDSFOLDER')

This will load the folder, then recurse over the sub-folders and find all projects, subjects, sessions and (MEG) scans.

Looking at individual sub-components

Each of the BIDSTree, Project, Subject and Session objects can be iterated over, to yield the child objects:

>>> for project in folder.projects:
>>>     print(project)
Number of subjects: 2

We can also pick out individual projects, subjects, session or scans:

>>> sub2 = folder.project('PROJ01').subject('02')
>>> print(sub2)
ID: sub-02
Age: 22
Gender: M
Group: Control
Number of Sessions: 1
>>> print(sub2.age)
>>> ses1 = sub2.session('01')
>>> print(ses1.scans_tsv)