Converting Elekta data

Data exported from Elekta MEG machines is stored entirely in a single .fif file per run. Because of this all the information required to be added can be entered on one single file.

FIF file window


There are a number of fields that need to be completed before the .fif file is ready for conversion.

Experimental information

Required information

Subject information

Optional information

Channel name overrides

As Elekta data can contain BIO channels which can contain data from EMG, ECG or EOG sources we need some way to specify the data on these channels. Currently the channel names section will display all channels that have the BIO type. You can rename the channel if you wish, and also specify the type of data on the channel so that the BIDS conversion process can correctly output the right channel type.

Exporting the data

When all the required information has been entered, the Generate BIDS button will become active.


To export you simply press this button once and a popup will appear which gives the current progress of the export process. Once the conversion is done the popup will close and the data will available in the BIDS folder that will be in the file view.