Sourcespace Analysis

This tutorial guides you through the process of performing sourcespace analysis using Beamforming in Fieldtrip. For more background on beamformers, please see this introduction by Hilliebrand & Barnes (2005).

We will be analysing the same data as analysed in the preprocessing tutorial, involving the presentation of a high contrast visual grating for 1.5s.

Set-up Paths

The first step will be set up the paths on your machine.

You will need to following toolboxes, which can be downloaded from Github

% Path to the Fieldtrip Toolbox

path_to_fieldtrip = '/Users/rseymoue/Documents/GitHub/fieldtrip/';

% Path to MQ_MEG_Scripts

path_to_MQ_MEG_Scripts = '/Users/rseymoue/Documents/GitHub/MQ_MEG_Scripts/';

% Add Fieldtrip



% Add MQ_MEG_Scripts


Load Variables Required for Beamforming

We need to load the preprocessed MEG data (data_clean.mat) and singleshell headmodel, sourcemodel and transformed MEG sensors made during MRI-MEG coregistration and by mq_realign_sens.

% Load preprocessed MEG data


% Load singleshell headmodel


% Load sourcemodel


% Load transformed MEG sensors


Band-pass Filter and Select Time-points of Interest

Here we are interested in localising the increase in gamma-band (40-70Hz) power for time-points between 0.3 to 1.5s post-stimulus onset; versus a 1.2s baseline period from -1.5s to -1.3s.

%% BP Filter

cfg = [];

cfg.bpfilter = 'yes';

cfg.bpfreq = [40 70]; %band-pass filter in the required range

data_filtered = ft_preprocessing(cfg,data_clean);

%% Here we redefine trials based on the time-points of interest.

% Make sure the timepoints are of equivalent length

cfg = [];

cfg.toilim = [-1.5 -0.3];

datapre = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data_filtered);

cfg.toilim = [0.3 1.5];

datapost = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data_filtered);

Prepare Leadfield

By using ft_prepare_leadfield, we can compute the forward model for many dipole locations on a 3D sourcemodel and store it for efficient inverse modelling.

%% Create leadfield

cfg = []; = data_clean.label;

cfg.sourcemodel = sourcemodel3d;

cfg.headmodel = headmodel;

cfg.grad = grad_trans;

cfg.normalize = 'yes';

lf = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);

% make a figure of the single subject{i} headmodel, and grid positions

figure; hold on;

ft_plot_vol(headmodel, 'facecolor', 'cortex', 'edgecolor', 'none');

alpha 0.5; camlight;


ft_plot_sens(grad_trans, 'style', 'r*')

Compute Covariance Matrix

Fairly self-explanatory!

We also create an AVERAGE covariance matrix for the common spatial filter

%% Compute Covariance Matrix

% ...using ft_timelockanalysis

cfg = []; = data_clean.label;

cfg.covariance = 'yes';

avgpre = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg,datapre);

avgpst = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg,datapost);

% Here we are making an average covariance matrix from the pre and post

% time periods to make a common filter

avg = avgpst;

avg.cov = (avgpst.cov + avgpre.cov)/2;

Source Analysis

Now we can call ft_sourceanalysis with the follwing cfg options:

%% Do ya beamforming

cfg = []; = data_clean.label;

cfg.method = 'lcmv';

cfg.sourcemodel = lf;

cfg.headmodel = headmodel;

cfg.lcmv.keepfilter = 'yes';

cfg.lcmv.lambda = '5%';

cfg.lcmv.fixedori = 'yes';

cfg.grad = grad_trans;

sourceavg = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, avg);

% Now do beamforming for the two time points separately using the same spatial

% filter computed from the whole trial

cfg.sourcemodel.filter = sourceavg.avg.filter; %uses the grid from the whole trial average


sourcepreS1 = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, avgpre);


sourcepstS1 = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg, avgpst);

Make sure your field positions match the template grid

In order for the source positions to be consistent across participants, we need to make the .pos field equal to the template (MNI) grid. For more information on this, plese see: LINK

% Load template sourcemodel (8mm)

load([path_to_fieldtrip 'template/sourcemodel/'...


template_grid = sourcemodel;

template_grid = ft_convert_units(template_grid,'mm');

clear sourcemodel;

sourcepreS1.pos = template_grid.pos;

sourcepstS1.pos = template_grid.pos;

Calculate Percentage Change

Here we use ft_math to keep track of things.

cfg = [];

cfg.parameter = 'avg.pow';

cfg.operation = '((x1-x2)./x2)*100';

sourceR = ft_math(cfg,sourcepstS1,sourcepreS1);

Interpolate onto SPM T1 Standard Brain

Interpolate back to the SPM stnadard T1 brain

% Load the SPM T1 brain

mri = ft_read_mri([path_to_fieldtrip 'template/anatomy/'...


cfg = [];

cfg.voxelcoord = 'no';

cfg.parameter = 'pow';

cfg.interpmethod = 'nearest';

sourceI = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, sourceR, mri);

Produce a 2D Plot

Try playing around with the settings of ft_sourceplot

%% Produce 2D Plot

cfg = [];

cfg.funparameter = 'pow';


ft_hastoolbox('brewermap', 1); % ensure this toolbox is on the path

colormap(flipud(brewermap(64,'RdBu'))) % change the colormap

Produce a 3D Plot

Try playing around with come of the cfg options!

%% Produce 3D Plot

cfg = [];

cfg.method = 'surface';

cfg.funparameter = 'pow';

cfg.projmethod = 'nearest';

cfg.surfinflated = 'surface_inflated_both.mat';

%cfg.surfdownsample = 10

cfg.projthresh = 0.2;

cfg.camlight = 'no';

ft_sourceplot(cfg, sourceI);

ft_hastoolbox('brewermap', 1); % ensure this toolbox is on the path

colormap(flipud(brewermap(64,'RdBu'))) % change the colormap

light ('Position',[0 0 50])

light ('Position',[0 -50 0])

material dull;


view([0 0]);

title('% Change Gamma Power vs Baseline');


Create Two Virtual Electrodes Based on the AAL Atlas

Here is some code to create two 'virtual electrodes' or 'virtual channels'. We use the AAL atlas, with ROIs in the left calcarine and right calcarine sulcus.

More technically, this code concatenates all spatial filters within a ROI, multipled by sensor-level data, followed by an SVD. By extracting the first principle component we end up with just ONE filter for each ROI, which we can right-multiply with the sensor-level data.

This is followed by some time-frequency analysis.

% Read in the AAL atlas from Fieldtrip and

atlas = ft_read_atlas([path_to_fieldtrip 'template/atlas/aal/ROI_MNI_V4.nii']);

atlas = ft_convert_units(atlas,'mm');

disp('Creating ROIs in L_Calcarine and R_Calcarine');

% Interpolate the atlas onto 8mm grid

cfg = [];

cfg.interpmethod = 'nearest';

cfg.parameter = 'tissue';

sourcemodel2 = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, atlas, template_grid);

labels = {'Calcarine_L','Calcarine_R'};

for lab = 1:length(labels)

% Find atlas points

atlas_points = find(sourcemodel2.tissue==...


% Concatenate spatial filter

F = cat(1,sourceavg.avg.filter{atlas_points});

% Do SVD

[u,s,v] = svd(F*avg.cov*F');

filter = u'*F;

% Create VE

VE = [];

VE.label = {labels{lab}};

VE.trialinfo = data_clean.trialinfo;

for subs = 1:(length(data_clean.trialinfo))

% note that this is the non-filtered "raw" data

VE.time{subs} = data_clean.time{subs};

VE.trial{subs}(1,:) = filter(1,:)*data_clean.trial{subs}(:,:);


% Save to file with label and subject information


% Compute TFR using multitapers

cfg = [];

cfg.method = 'mtmconvol';

cfg.output = 'pow';

cfg.pad = 'nextpow2'

cfg.foi = 1:1:100;

cfg.toi = -2.0:0.02:3.0;

cfg.t_ftimwin = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*0.5;

cfg.tapsmofrq = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*8;

multitaper = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, VE);

% Plot

cfg = [];

cfg.ylim = [30 100];

cfg.xlim = [-0.5 1.5];

cfg.baseline = [-1.5 -0.3];

cfg.baselinetype = 'db';

cfg.zlim = 'maxabs';

figure; ft_singleplotTFR(cfg, multitaper);


ft_hastoolbox('brewermap', 1); % ensure this toolbox is on the path

colormap(flipud(brewermap(64,'RdBu'))) % change the colormap

xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');

set(gca,'FontSize',20); drawnow;



Group Statistical Analysis