Source code for bidshandler.scan

import os.path as op
import os
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from warnings import warn
import shutil

import pandas as pd

from .querymixin import QueryMixin
from .utils import (_get_bids_params, _realize_paths, _multi_replace,
                    _bids_params_are_subsets, _splitall, _fix_folderless,
                    _file_list, _reformat_fname)
from .bidserrors import NoScanError
from .constants import _SIDECAR_MAP

[docs]class Scan(QueryMixin): """Scan-level object Parameters ---------- fpath : str The path to the raw scan file. session : Instance of :class:`bidshandler.Session` Parent Session object containing this Scan. scan_params : dict, optional A dictionary containing any number of other scan parameters specified by scans.tsv. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fpath, session, **scan_params): super(Scan, self).__init__() split_paths = _splitall(fpath) if len(split_paths) < 2: raise ValueError("Scan must be within a subfolder of the session.") self._path = split_paths[0] sub_paths = split_paths[1:] if len(sub_paths) == 1: self._raw_file = sub_paths[0] elif len(sub_paths) > 1: self._raw_file = op.join(sub_paths[0], *sub_paths[1:]) self.acq_time = scan_params.pop('acq_time', None) self.scan_params = scan_params self.session = session self._get_params() self._sidecar = None self._queryable_types = ('scan',) self.associated_files = dict() self._assign_metadata() # Load information from the sidecar. = dict() self._load_info() # Finally we do any manufacturer specific loading. self._load_extras()
#region public methods
[docs] def contained_files(self): """Get the list of contained files. Returns ------- file_list : list List with paths to all contained files relating to the BIDS structure. """ file_list = set() if self.sidecar is not None: file_list.add(self.sidecar) file_list.update(_realize_paths(self, list(self.associated_files.values()))) return file_list
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete all the scans' files.""" for fname in self.contained_files(): # make sure we only delete files that are in the same directory or # lower. if not fname.startswith('..'): # also make sure that there are no other scans in the same # session using the file used = False for scan in self.session.scans: if scan != self: if fname in scan.contained_files(): used = True break if not used: os.remove(fname) # remove the raw file os.remove(self.raw_file) # remove the scan information from the scans.tsv if self.session.scans_tsv is not None: df = pd.read_csv(self.session.scans_tsv, sep='\t') row_idx = (df[df['filename'] == _reformat_fname(self.raw_file_relative)].index.item()) df = df.drop(row_idx) df.to_csv(self.session.scans_tsv, sep='\t', index=False, na_rep='n/a', encoding='utf-8') # is the directory is empty remove it if len(list(_file_list(self.path))) == 0: shutil.rmtree(self.path) # remove the scan from the parent session self.session._scans.remove(self) # and delete self del self
#region private methods def _assign_metadata(self): """Associate any files that are related to this raw file.""" filename_data = _get_bids_params(op.basename(self._raw_file)) for fname in os.listdir(self.path): bids_params = _get_bids_params(fname) part = bids_params.pop('part', None) if _bids_params_are_subsets(filename_data, bids_params): if (bids_params['file'] == _SIDECAR_MAP.get(self._path, None) and bids_params['ext'] == '.json'): self._sidecar = fname else: # TODO: this will not work for .ds folders... if not op.isdir(_realize_paths(self, fname)): if part is None: if fname == self._raw_file: # Don't add the raw file name to the list. continue if bids_params['file'] in self.associated_files: new_key = bids_params['file'] + \ bids_params['ext'] self.associated_files[new_key] = fname else: self.associated_files[bids_params['file']] = \ fname else: if part == '01': # Assign the correct raw file name. self._raw_file = fname else: # Give a unique key to avoid conflict if there # are lots of parts for some reason... key = str(bids_params['file']) + '_' + part self.associated_files[key] = fname # If we have no sidecar file associated from the local folder, go over # the files that this folder inherit if self._sidecar is None: filename_data = _get_bids_params(op.basename(self._raw_file)) for fname in self.session.inheritable_files: bids_params = _get_bids_params(op.basename(fname)) if _bids_params_are_subsets(filename_data, bids_params): if bids_params['ext'] == '.json': if bids_params['file'] == _SIDECAR_MAP.get(self._path, None): self._sidecar = op.relpath(fname, self.path) else: self.associated_files[bids_params['file']] = \ op.relpath(fname, self.path) # If there is still no sidecar file then it probably doesn't have one. def _generate_map(self): """Generate a map of the Subject. Returns ------- :py:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` Xml element containing subject information. """ return ET.Element('Scan', attrib={'path': self.raw_file_relative}) def _get_params(self): """Find the scan parameters from the file name.""" filename_data = _get_bids_params(op.basename(self._raw_file)) self.task = filename_data.get('task', None) = filename_data.get('run', None) self.acquisition = self.acq = filename_data.get('acq', None) self.proc = filename_data.get('proc', None) def _load_extras(self): """Load any extra files on a manufacturer-by-manufacturer basis.""" if'Manufacturer', None) == 'KIT/Yokogawa': # Need to load the marker files. # These will be in the same folder as the raw data. filename_data = _get_bids_params(op.basename(self._raw_file)) raw_folder = op.dirname(self._raw_file) for fname in os.listdir(op.join(self.path, raw_folder)): bids_params = _get_bids_params(fname) if _bids_params_are_subsets(filename_data, bids_params): if bids_params['file'] == 'markers': if bids_params.get('acq', None) is not None: acq = '-' + bids_params['acq'] else: acq = '' self.associated_files['markers{0}'.format(acq)] = op.join(raw_folder, fname) # noqa def _load_info(self): """Read the sidecar.json and load the information into""" if self._sidecar is not None: with open(self.sidecar, 'r') as sidecar: = json.load(sidecar) def _rename(self, subj_id, sess_id): """Rename all the files contained by the scan. Parameters ---------- subj_id : str Raw subject ID value. Ie. *without* `sub-`. sess_id : str Raw session ID value. Ie. *without* `ses-`. """ # TODO: handle moving of anat data old_subj_id = self.subject.ID new_subj_id = 'sub-{0}'.format(subj_id) old_sess_id = self.session.ID new_sess_id = 'ses-{0}'.format(sess_id) # rename all the contained files for fname in self.contained_files(): # make sure we only rename files that are in the same directory or # lower. if not fname.startswith('..'): new_fname = _fix_folderless(self.session, fname, old_sess_id, old_subj_id) new_fname = _multi_replace(new_fname, [old_subj_id, old_sess_id], [new_subj_id, new_sess_id]) if not op.exists(op.dirname(new_fname)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(new_fname)) os.rename(fname, new_fname) # rename the raw file old_fname = self.raw_file new_fname = _fix_folderless(self.session, old_fname, old_sess_id, old_subj_id) new_fname = _multi_replace(new_fname, [old_subj_id, old_sess_id], [new_subj_id, new_sess_id]) if not op.exists(op.dirname(new_fname)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(new_fname)) os.rename(old_fname, new_fname) self._raw_file = _fix_folderless(self.session, self._raw_file, old_sess_id, old_subj_id) self._raw_file = _multi_replace(self._raw_file, [old_subj_id, old_sess_id], [new_subj_id, new_sess_id]) # rename all the internal file names if self._sidecar is not None: self._sidecar = _fix_folderless(self.session, self._sidecar, old_sess_id, old_subj_id) self._sidecar = _multi_replace(self._sidecar, [old_subj_id, old_sess_id], [new_subj_id, new_sess_id]) for key, value in self.associated_files.items(): value = _fix_folderless(self.session, value, old_sess_id, old_subj_id) self.associated_files[key] = _multi_replace( value, [old_subj_id, old_sess_id], [new_subj_id, new_sess_id]) #region properties @property def bids_tree(self): """Parent :class:`bidshandler.BIDSTree` object.""" return self.project.bids_tree @property def channels_tsv(self): """Path to the associated channels.tsv file if there is one.""" _path = None channels_path = self.associated_files.get('channels') if channels_path is not None: _path = _realize_paths(self, channels_path) return _path @property def coordsystem_json(self): """Path to the associated coordsystem.json file if there is one.""" _path = None coordsystem_path = self.associated_files.get('coordsystem') if coordsystem_path is not None: _path = _realize_paths(self, coordsystem_path) return _path @property def emptyroom(self): """Associated emptyroom Scan. Returns ------- :class:`bidshandler.Scan` Associated emptyroom Scan object. Note ---- Only for MEG scans. """ _path = None if self.scan_type == 'meg': emptyroom ='AssociatedEmptyRoom') if emptyroom is not None: fname = op.basename(emptyroom) bids_params = _get_bids_params(fname) try: _path = self.project.subject( bids_params['sub']).session( bids_params['ses']).scan( task=bids_params.get('task'), acq=bids_params.get('acq'), run=bids_params.get('run')) except (KeyError, NoScanError): msg = 'Associated empty room file for {0} cannot be found' warn(msg.format(str(self))) _path = None return _path @property def events_tsv(self): """Absolute path to the associated events.tsv file.""" _path = None events_path = self.associated_files.get('events') if events_path is not None: _path = _realize_paths(self, events_path) return _path @property def path(self): """Path of folder containing Scan.""" return op.join(self.session.path, self._path) @property def project(self): """Parent :class:`bidshandler.Project` object.""" return self.subject.project @property def raw_file(self): """Path of associated raw file.""" return _realize_paths(self, self._raw_file) @property def raw_file_relative(self): """Path of associated raw file relative to parent Session.""" return op.join(self._path, self._raw_file) @property def scan_type(self): """Type of Scan. This will be the name of the folder the Scan resides in. Eg. `meg` for MEG data, `func` for fMRI data. """ return self._path @property def sidecar(self): """Path of associated sidecar file if there is one.""" _path = None if self._sidecar is not None: _path = _realize_paths(self, self._sidecar) return _path @property def subject(self): """Parent :class:`bidshandler.Subject` object.""" return self.session.subject #region class methods def __eq__(self, other): """Implements self == other Returns True if each instance has the same set of parameters """ if not isinstance(other, Scan): raise TypeError("Can only compare two Scan objects.") return ((self.acq == other.acq) & (self.task == other.task) & ( == & (self.proc == other.proc) & (self.session._id == other.session._id) & (self.subject._id == other.subject._id) & (self.project._id == other.project._id)) def __repr__(self): return '<Scan, @ {0}>'.format(self.raw_file) def __str__(self): return self.raw_file_relative