Converting KIT data

To convert KIT we require a few steps. It may look like a bit at first, but once you undertsand the process it can be done in a very short amount of time. Because KIT data consists of multiple files unlike Elekta data which consists of a single .fif file, the main object is the parent folder containing the .con, .mrk, .elp, and .hsp files.

KIT data folder

When you first click on a folder containing all the required files the info panel will be populated with a number of info boxes and entires: kit_initial

If you however select a folder which doesn't contain all the required files, the information panel will inform you of this kit_invalid

We require some information to be filled out on this screen:

Required information

Subject information

Other information

Before the Generate BIDS can become active all child .con files must appear green in the file treeview to indicate they have been all the required information (or are junk in some cases). See the following section on how to prepare each .con file.

.CON file window


The .con file is the primary building block of KIT data and as such eash one requires a reasonable amount of information for BIDS conversion to happen.

Experimental information

Required information

Optional information

Channel information

It is often important to specify if a certain channel is bad, or if a channel has any trigger information on it so that MNE can process this information properly and MNE-BIDS can produce the correct event information on export. If you have set up any default channels when setting up your project defaults, then you will automatically see any channels specified as trigger channels in the channel tab, along with their default trigger description. con_channels

You can however add any other channel detected in the .con file to add to the list if you need to add extra trigger channels for the particular recording.

Associating an .mrk file

It is crucial for each .con file to know what .mrk file was used during the recording. We can associate a .con file with an .mrk file in one of 3 different ways, all achieved by right-clicking on the .mrk or .con file in question.

  1. Right-click on a .con file and select associate. This will prompt you to select an .mrk file to associate with the .con file. You can do this by right-clicking the .mrk file you wish to associate and then selecting associate.
  2. Right-click on an .mrk file and select associate. Same as above but you select the .con file the .mrk is to be associated with.
  3. Right-click on an .mrk file and select associate with all. This will associate the selected .mrk file with every .con file in the same directory.

Once an .mrk has been associated with a .con file, selecting a .con file will highlight any associated .mrk files in blue in the file treeview on the left hand side. You can use this to confirm that you have associated the correct .mrk file with the correct .con file.

Note that you cannot associate more than 2 .mrk files with any given .con file. If 2 .mrk files are associated with the one .con file you will need to select the .mrk in the file tree and select the acquisition time, which is one of "n/a" (used when you have only one .mrk associated with a .con file), 'pre' (indicates the .mrk file was recorded before the raw data was collected), and 'post' (indicating the .mrk file was recorded after the raw data was collected).


Exporting the data

When all the required information has been entered, the Generate BIDS button will become active.


To export you simply press this button once and a popup will appear which gives the current progress of the export process. Once the conversion is done the popup will close and the data will available in the BIDS folder in the file view.